Here in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Charlotte, the Saturday before Passion Sunday, His Excellency, the Most Reverend Peter J. Jugis holds a Lenten Pilgrimage to the Benedictine Monastery at Belmont Abbey for the youth of the diocese. The day includes Confessions, Holy Mass, Speakers, Eucharistic Adoration and a Procession of the Blessed Sacrament through the campus of Belmont Abbey College (run by the monks). All of the events were located outside in front of the abbey Basilica of Mary, Help of Christians and monastery. Working with a youth group (that is truly phenomenal), I was able to take a few of the teens down to the pilgrimage.
As the music began for the Mass, I found the tune to be familiar and hummed along until the words came to mind. Ah! Attende Domine! Yes, lovers of tradition, the youth of the Church can sing in Latin, and quite well. Even though the Mass was out doors, the music was appropriate (chant and hymns) with the Ordinary taken from various musical settings.
Just when I thought things couldn’t get any better, after the proclamation of the Gospel, Bishop Jugis immediately sat down. (A quick note for the non-Catholic readers: Bishops may sit when they preach. It is a privilege that is not extended to other priests except for health reasons on rare occasion. However, sometimes Bishop Jugis likes to stand.) While Bishop waits for his mitre, I am praying silently that he will preach the things that the youth need to hear the most. He begins with the statement that Christ continues to be persecuted today through his Holy Church by means of secularism and relativism. All the beliefs in the world are just someone’s opinion. That, my friends, is a bold faced lie. Our kind and loving bishop begins to give examples. The first: abortion. “‘Thou shall not kill.’ That is not an opinion. It is the word of God.” Second was the real kicker, same sex marriage. Sitting, preaching to and teaching his spiritual children the Truth. Not just parts of the truth but all of it! Using every ounce of will power I posses I did not burst into enthusiastic applause.
Ultimately, this event reminded me yet again that our bishop is certainly the best in the South (and definitely in the Carolinas as the other two bishops are Yankees). Our diocese is blessed to have him. Our diocese is blessed to have some many of the youth that care about their faith, the True Faith. Many graces were poured out upon all present for the pilgrimage. Through the intercession of Mary, Help of Christians and Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati, the pilgrimage patron, Our Lord Bishop’s day with the youth was a tremendous success.
A thousand thanks and blessing to those who lead, planned and participated!
Deo Gratias!